U.Bujinlkham, Senior Officer, Foreign Relations and Cooperation Department, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Mongolia

I had an excellent opportunity to take an online course, “Data Science,” as part of the World Bank Project on Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability. In a rapidly evolving financial market environment, where new players and products emerge daily, banking and financial industry professionals need to learn and enhance their professional skills continuously.

As a young specialist, I am delighted to improve my skills by learning the basics of quantitative analysis and data science during the challenging period amid the pandemic. The course was advantageous, it was easy to follow and progress on all topics, as each subject was tested, and the recap of the required sections was provided. This course combined data science with the banking industry and explored the possibilities of solving, calculating, and using a wide variety of problems utilizing data.

We believe that our organization has made significant progress towards meeting the core principle criteria for reimbursing depositors through an effective deposit insurance system issued by the International Association of Deposit Insurers. We are also pleased that the project has successfully organized many capacity-building and training activities in the deposit insurance sector, improved risk management practices, and opened new channels for disseminating information to the public.

We genuinely appreciate the World Bank and the project team for their valuable contribution to our institutional building.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia