N.Enkh-Amgalan, A procurement officer for the Local Property Department, Bayankhongor province

I and my colleagues are glad to participate in electronic training of basic procurement training (A3 training) held through the e-procurement platform (www.tender.gov.mn). 

It is very privileged to have the opportunity to be able to learn a set of 11 chapters of lessons within the flexible schedule on the electronic training platform free of charge. 

The training has several advantages including watching a video, having a self-assessment test for each chapter, and having a self-assessment exam at the end of the learning program. 

I think that online training is more convenient for learners who are resided in rural areas. Online training is an opportunity to solve problems such as the financial and time burdens for learners from urban areas to take part in-classroom training. 

The opportunity to take an exam from wherever is the most prominent advantage of saving time and cost. Therefore, shifting the exam schedule is another advantage for exam takers who cannot take an exam due to the excuse. 

Since I enjoyed the training, I highly recommended the online training program to those who are interested in procurement. 

I thank colleagues of the World Bank, Ministry of Finance, and State Procurement Agency for having us an opportunity to take part in the free training program and extend the duration of a certificate on the basic procurement training (A3 training).

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia