KH. DELGERMAA, Specialist, Financial Control, Risk Management Department of the Ministry of Finance of Mongolia


1. What was the highlight of the project for you?

Since there are many projects that are being supported and cooperated in the field of finance and budget, I would like to highlight the work being carried out in the field of translation of internal audit standards and development of information systems.

2. Why?

In 2017, the International Institute of Internal Auditors made a complete change and update to the International Professional Practice Framework, and there was a need for the translation of the international standards of internal audit. With the translation of the standard, internal auditors are provided with the opportunity to work in accordance with the standard.

In addition, due to the lack of a unified information system in the field of internal audit, an analysis of insufficient activities to quickly provide management with unified digital information was carried out, and as a result of conducting a study on the need for the development and introduction of a unified information system for internal audit management in the public sector, the introduction of the system to all internal auditors in the public sector is now underway. is done.

Thus, with the implementation of the major policy works, all internal auditors of the public sector will implement audit activities within the framework of standards, and according to them, audit work documents and evidences will be entered into the information system in a unified manner, and information will be gathered together, making their work easier and eliminating manual work.

3. In your opinion, what was the result and significance of this activity?

With the implementation of the project, the updated international standard of internal audit was translated into its original language, distributed training and integrated information system management was created, providing managers with quick and accurate information, as well as facilitating the work of internal auditors, advancing the stage of audit development, and cooperating with other similar foreign organizations. I am happy to say that the exchange of experience has become an important policy measure.

I believe that by having the international standard of internal audit and integrated information management, the activities of internal auditors will be computerized, work performance will be fast, time-saving, internationally recognized experience that strictly adheres to standard methods and will reach a leading level.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia