B.Tuultsetseg, The treasury official of Gurvanbuleg soum, Bayankhongor province

As a young specialist living and working in the government service in rural areas, I am enthusiastic about participating in the historical era of the electronic transition of the Treasury.

I believe that the development of any industry directly depends on the knowledge, skills, and attitude of the employees of that industry. The e-learning system implemented by the Ministry of Finance performs an essential role in this. Regardless of time and space, it significantly supports making electronic transactions of budget entities 100 percent and opens opportunities to improve the education and development of treasury specialists. Therefore, I am glad that the sector's policy aims to create opportunities for the continuous development of treasury specialists.

Transferring treasury transactions to the electronic system has become a practical task in keeping with the era of technological development. However, integrated electronic payment systems sometimes have problems due to errors, slow local internet speed, and poor equipment capacity. Still, we are confident that the system will be better developed in the future because it has not been long since we switched to the new system.

We used to have no evidence to prove that transactions with missing primary documents and incorrect economic classification, and returning inconsistent transactions as we examined when paper transactions were made or by hand. 

However, since the transactions have become electronic, when we examined and detected inconsistent transactions and returned them, this process has evolved to be stored in the system as "returned" status. It is another advantage of this system, as it proves that we have examined treasury settlements.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia