M.Myanganbuu, Deputy Head of the General Department, Labor and Welfare Services General Office

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection is introducing web-based internal monitoring and customer satisfaction survey system for labor, welfare, and social insurance services as part of the "Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project" implemented in collaboration with the World Bank Furthermore, training on installing and using the satisfaction evaluation system was organized in classrooms and online for relevant Labor and Welfare Sector staff, and a manual for service workers was prepared. This work is thought to be innovative in terms of assessing citizen satisfaction with the sector, improving the service, and thus improving work performance and internal control. We are also grateful because it lays the groundwork for the future implementation of administrative management quality standards.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia