N.Bayarmaa, Director, Family policy implementation and coordination department

Improving the quality and accessibility of child protection services has been a pressing social issue, and there has been a gradual increase in public funding, but there has been a need to improve allocation and spending efficiency. We have been reforming the Child protection financing mechanism and implementing budget allocations based on performance, results and quality from the 2022 fiscal year.

As part of the preparations for the reform, the Ministry of Finance, in collaboration with the Budget Expenditure Division of the Fiscal Policy and Planning Department, has developed and enforced per capita variable cost estimates and standards, methodologies for financing child protection services, and service cost norms.

The new mechanism for budget allocation for child protection services is part of the basic social service reform and a pilot case of the introduction of program-based budgeting in Mongolia.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia