D.Ganbat, President of the Mongolian National Association of the Blind

One of the problems facing blind people is that they are limited in their ability to read any printed documents in a format that is accessible to them. As a result, it is common for them to be left out of information because they do not always take necessary details on time in their daily lives.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection has compiled the relevant provisions of the applicable laws on welfare and social insurance for blind people under the Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project. It was published in Braille and Daisy-speaking formats and delivered by blind people. We read these Braille books independently and use them in our daily lives without anyone's help. On behalf of thousands of visually impaired members of Mongolia, I would like to thank the project team for this opportunity.

Strengthening Fiscal and Financial Stability Project, Room 205 United Nations Street 8/2 4th khoroo Chingeltei district Ulaanbaatar-15160 Mongolia