Contract award notices

Procurement method:

Contract No Contract Title Contractor's Name Contract Amount Currency Signature Date
SFFSP/D2/CS/039 National consultant to provide technical support to MLSP for Parliamentarian discussions process of draft Laws and developing accompanying regulations and guidelines, public awareness contents National consultant 56,978,800.00 MNT 6/20/2022
SFFSP/CS/D2-032 National consultant to support the MLSP for Parliamentarian discussion process of the draft social insurance laws, and drafting related policy and regulatory documents National Consultant 56,978,800.00 MNT 6/20/2022
SFFSP/CS/C4-028 National Consultant to conduct study on financial group's supervision and regulation and provide recommendation/s National Consultant 13,855,320.00 MNT 6/13/2022
SFFSP/CS/C4-027 Consulting service: National Consultant to develop a draft Digital Transformation program for the FRC and a schematic model within the framework of the National Digital Transformation program (Team Lead) National Consultant 18,231,680.00 MNT 6/13/2022
SFFSP/CS/C4-026 International consulting service to support the Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Unit under the Supervision Department to review Follow-Up Reports (FURs) for assessment for upcoming Mutual Evaluation of the implementation of anti-money laundering International Consultant 10,000.00 USD 6/13/2022
SFFSP/CS/A32-016 National consultant to support the development of methodology on selection and prioritization of externally funded projects National Consultant 28,110,491.00 MNT 6/6/2022
SFFSP/CS/A32-017 IT developer for the necssary improvements and new modules for the ODAMIS system National Consultant 34,187,280.00 MNT 6/1/2022
SFFSP/CS/A2 - 012 National consultant to improve fiscal revenue forecasting modelling, revenue performance monitoring, revenue impact analysis of legal changes, and measuring policy, compliance gaps National consultant 37,036,220.00 MNT 5/31/2022