Contract award notices

Procurement method:

Contract No Contract Title Contractor's Name Contract Amount Currency Signature Date
SFFSP/GO/D1-013 Printing of public advocacy materials, guidance, handouts, and book related to Strengthening Social Welfare Programs design and operations Bit Press LLC 27,460,000.00 MNT 1/21/2022
SFFSP/GO/D1-012 Printing of public advocacy materials, guidance, handouts, and book related to Strengthening Social Welfare Programs design and operations Bit Press LLC 25,500,000.00 MNT 1/18/2022
SFFSP/D1/GO/012 Printing reports on social welfare and social insurance Bit Press LLC 25,500,000.00 MNT 1/18/2022
SFFSP/GO/A32-003 Purchasing IT goods (video conferencing equipment, including smart projector) Newsonic LLC 38,610,000.00 MNT 1/7/2022
SFFSP/B22/CS/023 National consultant to provide senior functional support to further rollout of Integrated Payroll System for civil servants National Consultant 59,251,504.00 MNT 12/28/2021
SGM/12/GO/001 Printing brochure on Government debt MGL Design LLC 20,200,000.00 MNT 12/20/2021
 SFFSP/GO/D2/011 Printing of public advocacy materials, guidance, handouts, and book related to strengthening social insurance Reporms and operations Bit Press LLC 11,425,000.00 MNT 12/3/2021
SFFSP/D1/NC/001 Professional entity to broadcast through TV on social welfare reform Mongol TV LLC 24,950,000.00 MNT 11/22/2021