Contract award notices

Procurement method:

Contract No Contract Title Contractor's Name Contract Amount Currency Signature Date
SFFSP/E/CS/015 Procurement Specialist at the PIU National consultant 4,200,000.00 MNT 2/1/2022
SFFSP/CS/B32-013 National consultant National consultant to consolidate and update the strategic goals of Ministry of Finance 2021-2024, and provide quantitative indicators and determine the results to be achieved National consultant 1,424,315.00 MNT 1/31/2022
SGM/CS/13-004 Translator for tax policy legislation and policy documents /BEPS/ ZOLBAYAR Chuluunbat 42,730,500.00 1/27/2022
SFFSP/CS/B33-007 National consultant to support the finalization and adoption of the draft revision of the public procurement law and to prepare follow-up rules and regulations to be adopted under the public procurement law of Mongolia National Consultant 81,480,009.00 MNT 1/26/2022
SFFSP/CS/B33-008 National consultant to provide a final reading of the draft revision of the Public Procurement Law before submitting it to the Parliament of Mongolia National Consultant 4,273,000.00 MNT 1/26/2022
SFFSP/CS/B33-009 Information technology (IT) consultant to support improvement to the Mongolian e-procurement system National Consultant 68,517,007.00 MNT 1/26/2022
SFFSP/CS/D1-018 National consultant to develop guidelines for implementing the PMT methodology National Consultant 12,821,535.00 MNT 1/24/2022
SFFSP/GO/D2-012 Printing of public advocacy materials, guidance, handouts, and book related to strengthening social insurance Reports and operations Bit Press LLC 24,808,000.00 MNT 1/24/2022