Contract award notices

Procurement method:

Contract No Contract Title Contractor's Name Contract Amount Currency Signature Date
SFFSP/CS/B12-006 National consultant to contribute to improving Local Development Fund planning and management as well as public financial management at the local level National consultant 59,827,740.00 MNT 2/25/2022
SGM/CS/22-003 Team Leader and Overall System Business and Functional Analyst National consultant 85,461,000.00 MNT 2/24/2022
SGM/23/GO/006 Supply of server and network equipment Summit Computer Technology LLC 409,568,600.00 MNT 2/22/2022
SFFSP/CS/A1-018 Consultancy services to build a general model for forecasting revenue stream from mega projects and fiscal analysis of such projects/ Team member 2/ National Consultant 21,367,050.00 MNT 2/16/2022
SFFSP/CS/A1-017 Consultancy services to build a general model for forecasting revenue stream from mega projects and fiscal analysis of such projects National Consultant 38,460,690.00 MNT 2/16/2022
SFFSP/NC/D1-003 Professional research entity to collect data for pilot testing of the hybrid PMT methodology Audit Education Center NGO 39,895,100.00 MNT 2/15/2022
SFFSP/GO/B4-005 Publication of book Munkhiin Useg LLC 13,750,000.00 MNT 2/9/2022
SFFSP/CS/A1-016 Consultancy service to build a general model for forecasting revenue stream from mega projects and fiscal analysis of such projects-team member National Consultant 34,460,690.00 MNT 2/7/2022